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SEX: Female     AGE: 7 weeks old     


COLOR: Black & White   EYES: Black




All Puppies come with (additional fees apply): 

Lifetime Written Health & Temperament Guarantee: for Hereditary/Congenital Defects.

​Lifetime Support: you can call or e-mail with questions at any time..

​Official AKC Registration Certificate - limited AKC registration in your name, completed for you by your breeder. It can take up to 2-4 weeks to receive.

Microchip Collar Tag from AKC for your pet's collar with his/her microchip # listed for people to report if lost. 

A Folder - Containing your puppies Guarantee Contract, Shot Record, Health Certificate and Training Video.


30 days of AKC Pet Insurance - with up to $1500 in coverage (provided by the AKC) 

New Puppy Handbook- Essential care and advice for the Husky puppy owner​


A Fur baby Blanket - Ease your puppies stress and anxiety when going to a new home by taking home mom’s smell on one of our specially hand-made puppy blankets (patterns may vary).

​ ensure satisfaction.

Puppy Food - a sample bag of Nutrisource small and medium breed puppy but most of all with lots of joy, happiness and love to give.

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