Siberian Husky for Adoption & Rehoming
Purebred AKC Siberian Husky's since 2001
EMAIL: TEL: +1 (619) 784-1831
This is our About Our Pups FAQ
Are the puppies registered?
All Parents are AKC registered and all litters are registered with the AKC.
Pets will come with limited AKC registration and Breeding/show prospects will come with Full AKC registration. You can call your puppy any name you choose, but all Breeding/Show/Obedience/Agility prospects will have there registered name begin with our kennel name.
What do the puppies come with?
Limited AKC Registration: registration in your name, completed for you by your breeder.
New Puppy Handbook: Essential care and advice for the new puppy owner
Two year Written Health Guarantee: for Hereditary/Congenital Defects.
Lifetime Written Temperament Guarantee: for peace of mind.
Lifetime Support: you can call or e-mail with questions at any time.
Health Record: A current health record, vaccinated and wormed at least twice.
Health Certificate: A current health certificate from our veterinarian
A Med Furbaby Blanket: Ease your puppies stress and anxiety when going to a new home by taking home mom’s smell on one of our specially hand-made puppy blankets (patterns may vary).
Premium Toy: A top of the line toy, that we have tested with our dogs to ensure satisfaction.
Vitamins: A sample pack of NuVet Plus Vitamins.
Puppy Food: a sample bag of Nutrisource small and medium breed puppy.
Do you guys require an appointment to see puppies?
Yes we do, No walk-ins. We only permit interested and serious buyer who have paid the reservation/processing fee of $200 into our kennel. Some people make an appointment a week or a day before.
Does the reservation/adoption fee goes towards the adoption fee?
Yes it does, the reservation fee in non-refundable.
Are Huskies really that hard to train?
It depends on the person, I have no difficulty but allot of people do. They are a pack dog with a hierarchical order of leadership and, therefore, are stubborn, strong-willed, and independent. … Treating your husky as an equal is not a good idea because huskies are hierarchical pack dogs and only follow leaders. YOU must be a leader.
Are Huskies good house dogs?
Affectionate and good natured describes the Siberian Husky. Generally, they do well with children although young children should never be left alone with any breed. They also get along with people and do well in homes with multiple dogs. ... Huskies cannot be allowed to run off leash during walks.
Do Huskies like to cuddle?
Oh boy, yes, Siberian Huskies love to cuddle, nuzzle, snuggle, kiss and hug. Most of them. Just like people, not all Huskies are the same. So some will smother you with affection and demand attention all the time, while others may be more aloof and reserved.
Do husky dogs bark a lot?
Siberians, true to their heritage bark less than many other breeds. The reason for the husky's infrequent barking may be that barking is a territorial call, and huskies like wild dogs are almost uniquely non-territorial. A lot of husky barking is an invitation to play.
How much attention/exercise do Huskies need?
Huskies need a lot of attention when compared to other breeds. They normally need a lot of exercise to be properly stimulated and vets will normally recommend that they get at least 1 hour of exercise per day. You'll likely find that your husky will still require your attention even after you have exercised it.
What age do puppies go to their new homes?
8 weeks of age, Puppies we decide to keep for a while to further evaluate for show/breeding may become available later.
Have the puppies received any vaccinations?
The puppies are vaccinated and wormed three times before they go to their new homes. We provide a health record and a recommended shot schedule for future vaccinations, worming, neutering/spaying. All puppies receive the following vaccinations at the following ages. Just look at the age of the puppy your interested in and you will see what they have had for vaccinations.
5 weeks: Nobivac DPv
Strongid-T De-worming
7 weeks: Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPv
Panacure De-worming
9 weeks: Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPv-
Strongid-T De-worming
12 weeks: Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPv-
Panacure De-worming
What is DAPPv? - Canine Infectious Distemper, Hepatitis, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus
Do You Ship?
Yes we do ship. See our shipping section for all the details, price, requirements etc.
Can I look at puppies before 7 weeks of age?
NO, Doing just that is one of the primary methods disease is spread from one litter to another. You can carry it on your hands, shoes or clothes. This may sound extreme, but I always ask people to take a shower and wear clean clothes and shoes when they come to my house.
Will you accept a deposit for "first choice" in a litter?
Yes, I take deposits down for the 1st and 2nd choice of males and females (after us of course). If what you requested isn't in the litter, you can wait for the next litter, or you may have first choice of the available puppies.
Will you hold a certain puppy for me without a deposit if I ask you to?
Not without a deposit. Purchasing a puppy is a serious commitment, and I will not hold a puppy without a deposit. I have done this a few times and passed up people who were actually serious and the pups lost a home. So no, we will not hold a puppy without a deposit.
Do you keep a "waiting list"?
Yes we have a notification list and a waiting list that will let you know when we are expecting a new litter and again when they are born.
Would you take back a dog if I could no longer keep the dog for whatever reason?
OF COURSE!!! One of the items on our sales contract is regarding returns and you must notify us first. Any puppy produced by us is always welcome to come back. We have had some puppies come back due to family crisis, illnesses, unplanned events etc. We keep them until we can place them in new homes. We love our puppies and have the belief that because we created them we are responsible for their well being the entirety of their life.
Do you guarantee the puppies?
Our Puppies come with a Two year Health Guarantee and Temperament Guarantee.
Our first concern is for the well-being of our puppies throughout their lifetimes. Therefore, if - for any reason and at any time - you choose not to keep your dog, Please return the dog to us.
The health of the puppies we produce is of vital concern to us - both for sentimental reasons and because we need to monitor the health of all dogs we produce over their lifetimes to be sure we've not missed anything in our breeding research. We'd appreciate being notified of any and all health issues you encounter in your dog's lifetime.
What defects are your puppies examined for?
All of our puppies are checked for overall health and defects at birth and again by our vet before going to there new home. If any are found they are noted on sales contract. The majority of hereditary diseases are not detectable when a puppy is under 1 year of age. We do offer a lifetime health and temperament guarantee against hereditary and congenital diseases and defects.
Why is training and housebreaking a life or death matter?
Many adult dogs that end up at animal shelters on death row got there due to neglect in proper training. Time taken, especially in the first two weeks can literally be a lifesaver if you should have to give your dog up. It can also prevent you from being forced to give up your dog due to neighbor's complaints or the law forcing you to put your dog down (in the case of biting.)
Why do you want my puppy fixed?
We sell our pet puppies with spay/neuter agreements because we know that a fixed dog overall is a happier one. By fixing your dog you avoid unwanted tumors, cysts, heats, and many behavioral issues such as biting, dominance, aggression, wandering, escaping, marking everything inside and out.
A fixed pet is a focused pet -- it loses all desires to do anything but be with and please you. If you are not going to breed or show your dog, it is healthier fixed. We require it because after once your dog has started these behaviors even neutering rarely fixes them.
What is a microchip? Why would my puppy need one?
A microchip implant is for permanent identification in case your puppy is ever lost or stolen. It is about the size of a grain of rice and is embedded in the muscle between the shoulder blades of your puppy. It is a near painless procedure (like getting a shot) that takes about 10 seconds. If your puppy was ever lost and found by a Humane Society or Animal Control, it would be scanned and then you would be notified of where your puppy was limiting the time your puppy spent away from home. All of our dogs are micro-chipped. It gives us piece of mind. We also microchip all puppies to make sure if ever lost they get back to you and if you can not be contacted they will contact us and if ever they end up in a rescue or shelter they come back to us, as a responsible breeder. I will not contribute to dogs ending up in shelters or rescues. They always have a place here with us and a microchip insures they make it back to us if you do not keep them.
How much do you sell your puppies for?
Prices vary according to the pups conformation, color, bloodlines, etc. Prices are listed next to the puppies pictures with all other pertinent information. Some pups may sound like a lot of money, but when you actually work that out - over an average lifespan of 17 years it really isn't that much, considering the health and genetics behind the dog as well as the knowledge and support at your beck and call.
When you adopt/purchase a puppy, you are paying for more than just the quality of the dog. You are paying for the dog's excellent ancestry, the breeder's assistance, the time given to the puppy while in the breeder's care, and the care given to the parent dogs. The socialization, handling, care, feeding, cleaning will be a major factor in it's future life. Knowledge and experience in raising puppies and health care can make the difference between life and death for a puppy. Raising a litter of puppies requires allot of time, patience, food, vet care (vaccinations are a "must"), record keeping, puppy health records, starter kits, guarantees, written information, advertising, the proper equipment (whelping pens, kennels, outdoor runs), puppy grooming, adult dog grooming & care, and so much more. And, after all these things... there is the breeder's integrity. We do not believe in sacrificing anything in the process. Without that, all the above will be suspect.
Remember that buying from a reputable breeder who has carefully selected their breeding stock vastly improves the odds that your dog will lead a long, healthy and active life. If our price is more than your budget allows, consider adopting a rescue dog rather than encouraging non-reputable breeders but please remember that there are expenses that will remain the same - or be even more - for an adult dog of unknown origin. Wherever you get your dog from, you must be prepared to deal with the expense of veterinary care.
We understand that some of these amounts are a hefty price for many families to pay for a puppy. Considering the forethought, genetic, health and other testing having been applied to the breeding processes, the time and energy that goes into raising a happy healthy litter that is well socialized and the fact that the puppy will be with you for a long time, and you have me at your beck and call for any issues that may arise, it is a worthwhile price to pay for a healthy, happy dog. Mostly our dogs average around $1500 with some exceptions.
Why do your Dogs cost more than other dogs sold? I only want a pet.
Actually they don't, most puppy mills and pet stores charge about the same and you are getting a sub-par pup that has no guarantees, or testing behind it and will most likely be a poor example of the breed. We understand that you 'only want a pet'. We've 'been there, done that'! Our first dog was purchased from a backyard breeder at a price we felt comfortable with. Within the first year of his life, he had cost us over $1800 in vet bills! Buying from a backyard breeder can be a false economy especially when you 'only want a pet' as you re investing much more into your puppy emotionally. You are investing your heart and soul and when that puppy comes down sick or has to be euthanized, how much would you have paid then?
1. Our puppies' ancestors are not only AKC registered but most are AKC Champions. Thus, they all have been judged by experienced judges to excel as outstanding representatives of the breed. This competitive judging process is time-consuming and expensive. But, because we are breeding to the standard, our puppies will grow up to LOOK like the breed intended! The cheaper puppies you find advertised come from questionable backgrounds at best. They may well be 'pure-bred' and 'registered', but that is no guarantee that they will look or even have the temperament like the breed standard or your idea of the dog you want.
2. Our puppies parents have been health tested as have their parents and their parents and so on and our pups have their health carefully monitored, have had preventative deworming, and are current on all of their vaccinations. We guarantee they are healthy when you get them. Only healthy dogs who have passed their health testing and have excellent temperaments are used in our breeding program.
3. It takes a big effort and investment to acquire and breed dogs that are sound, healthy, good-natured, and excellent physical representatives of the breed.
4. We are not in this to make money (the idea is funnier than you may think! reputable breeders are SO in the red!)- our aim is to improve the breed as a whole while we enjoy our own dogs at our home and on our laps.
If you really must save money by getting a sub par dog please support a rescue instead of a puppy mill, pet store or back yard breeder. Although rescue dogs still come from these places at least you are not supporting them directly.
Do you show your dogs?
We are showing some of our dogs but not actively. We own Champions currently and some have show points toward their Champion titles. However we are working more in Obedience/Agility currently. We are always active in doing something with the dogs.
Do you offer stud service?
At this time we are not offering stud service at all.
What is the average gestation period for a dog?
Nine weeks, plus or minus three days. The expected delivery dates I post on my homepage are based on 63 days from the day of the first breeding (I breed thrice during a heat cycle.)
How many litters per year do you have?
It varies year to year and keep in mind litters can vary greatly in size with most being around 4 pups, Some of our dogs don't live with us but with our friends and relatives. Not all of our girls have puppies each year. We also help in the planning or breeding of our friends dogs occasionally.
What is the average number of litters for each female?
The average number of litters for one of our gals is 4 in a lifetime but we have many that just have 1-3 litters and then are retired.
What about the differences in sexes? Male vs. Female
There are subtle differences between the sexes but overall there is little difference once your dog has been spayed/neutered. If your puppy is fixed at around 6 months of age, it has not yet started producing nor will it ever produce sex hormones. So behaviors classed/caused by sex are somewhat nonexistent. We will say though having had quite a few males and females, if we had to pick between the two, we like our boys best. Why? The males seem just a little more loyal and dedicated. The females are a little busier than males and a bit more self absorbed. We love those girls too though! It really is a personal preference.
So which sex makes the better pet?
The debate rages on.
Generally, MALES are apt to be "lovable slobs" and "good ol' boys." They tend to be more forcefully affectionate, more "in your face." Males tend to be more reliable in mood, less prone to emotional swings. Though sometimes clumsy and silly, and prone to acting like oversized puppies, they mean well and are easy to love. (Come to think of it, this is similar to their human counterparts...)
Most males lift their leg to urinate, a consideration if you have expensive shrubbery or lawn ornaments. Some males are territorial markers.
Generally, FEMALES are more subtle than males. They're affectionate on their own terms. They'll ask for petting, then assert their independence by moving away when they've had enough. They are less likely to engage in open dominance challenges, but they can be clever and manipulative about getting their own way.
Remarkably, female dogs also resemble their human counterparts...they're prone to mood swings and emotional theatrics. They can be sweet one day (or one hour) and grumpy the next. They are masters of The Dirty Look and The Sulk.
In some breeds and lines, certainly in many individuals, these sex-based generalizations may be reversed.
On Deciding Between a Male or Female Puppy..."Females Love You, Males are IN LOVE with You!"
"You Own a Female Dog, but a Male Dog Owns You!"
Is there a Best Age to Get a Puppy?
Most people think the best age to get a puppy is 6 weeks - WRONG,WRONG,WRONG! NEVER get a puppy before 8 weeks of age. So what are the best times? Here's a couple of well-researched reasons why.....(most of this is from research done by the Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc.)
Puppies have 4 critical periods of development between birth and 16 weeks (4 mos) of their lives. What happens to them during these 4 mos. determines what kind of companion they will become and shapes their character for the rest of their lives!
Birth to 21 days (3 weeks) - during this period the puppy's brain is mostly reactionary in that the brain is developing neural pathways. During this time the mother and her milk are most important. The puppy needs adequate food, the stimulation it gets from the mother licking it and the warmth it gets from mom and it's litter mates. By three weeks (21st day) the puppy's brain has taken on adult brain form and the puppy can toddle around, blink, hear, eliminate without mother's stimulation and begin to explore it's immediate surroundings. They begin to try to play with their siblings and mother.
3 weeks to 7 weeks (49th day) - During this period puppies learn canine socialization and learn dominance order - most important in training and getting along with other dogs! This is a time of rapid development, both physically and mentally. From 21-28 days (4 weeks) is especially crucial and should the puppy be separated from its mother and litter-mates at this time it would be so emotionally upsetting that the puppy will never be compensated in life for the loss of interaction of its mother and litter mates.
Characteristically, puppies weaned at 4 weeks are a training nightmare because they never get the connection between a reward or correction and what they were doing at the time. (For example, the dog grabs your sandwich and you yell "NO". It will not understand why you are saying no, nor why it is unacceptable to grab what it wants.) Between 4 and 5 weeks is when the puppy becomes aware of its surroundings and litter mates and discovers when it bites too hard on one of them or Mama Dog - it gets corrected by Mama or the litter mate bites back - hard! They learn to play bite at an acceptable level for their playmates. This is important to us because we can then teach them not to bite or nip us....they will learn that we are rather delicate creatures by puppy standards! :-)
Canine socialization is so important for a puppy to be well-adjusted. A puppy needs contact and interaction with it's mom and litter mates to learn doggy social graces, such as how to approach another dog, how to show submission and how to initiate play. A puppy weaned at 5 weeks is characteristically aggressive towards strange dogs. Some people call this "Dog aggressive", but it is basically caused by the dog not knowing how to approach or be approached by a another dog. Mothers discipline pups and teach them as well....this is as important in dogs as it is in human children.
A puppy weaned at 6 weeks may have the social skills but will not have all the self-confidence in itself as it would after 7 weeks. This is extremely important in a service dog or a dog you want to take responsibility for you, your home and property.
49 to 84 days ( 7 weeks to 12 weeks) - By the 49th day a puppy is neurologically has an adult brain, but no experience! (Kinda like you were when you got out of school and tried to find a job - couldn't get a job because you lacked job experience.:-/ ) A good breeder will handle their pups daily, from birth, because during this time it is critical for someone to give it affection and guidance so the puppy will be willing to form attachments to people and learn to trust humans. Puppies must get one-on-one socialization with a human at least once a week to develop as an individual.
Older pups - If the breeder has socialized the pups, taken them places, crate trained, and house trained them - then these older pups may well be the ABSOLUTE best - especially for a busy family!
What kind of fence do I need?
A husky needs a 6 foot high fence preferably wood or other smooth surface because they can jump and climb! A smooth surface makes that more difficult. A four-foot high fence is unlikely to deter a Husky, so you should look for a fence with a height of five or six feet, 5 feet being the minimum.
As long as the fence is solid (not slatted), it will block the street or neighbor's yard from your dog's sight and (hopefully) limit his noise-making. This is the best fence for dogs.
Do Huskies like to run away?
This cannot be said for every single husky but YES, huskies do have the tendency to escape/run away. This usually happens if their needs are not met, or they become bored, or something interesting lurks beyond your fence. In any of these cases, your husky will likely try to run away or escape.
Are you a Pack Leader?
Dogs are pack animals and live in a hierarchy. Dogs have this instinct built into them. Siberian huskies are a breed that needs this structure the most. If your husky is allowed to be the pack leader then you are setting yourself up for serious problems down the road. You will never be able to train a husky that does not respect you. They will instead bite and nip at you, ignore you, jump all over you and could even bite you if you get too close to their food/bed/toys etc.. Why? Because they are the leader and they make the rules. When you don't listen they will bite you. You will need to be a pack leader and train your husky as any good leader would. I cover this topic and how to train your dog in depth in our puppy manual.
I hope this has answered all your questions; if not please contact me and I will also post your question here.